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Tag: haunted

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A Ghost Tale Of Two Sisters — The Legend of Janghwa and Hongryeon

The legend of Janghwa and Hongryeon that turned into virgin ghosts, is a classic Korean ghost story that continues to inspire and scare. 

old telly on rough floor in house

Top Korean Horror TV-Series

The last few years, K-dramas has certainly taken over much of the media the world consume today. And although it is largely remembered from the overly romantic dramas with umbrellas in the rain and watching over people with a cold like they are on their deathbed, some more darker series has caught on. In fact one of the more famous k-drama must certainly be the zombie driven historical drama Kingdom that entered as Koreans first entry to the Netflix family. And since then, the gems keeps on coming. Here are ten of the more darker k-dramas out there.

light city people street

Makeup and Ghost Stories

The trend of “Get Ready With Me” Youtube videos has been extremely popular the last years. Even celebrities through well established fashion magazines are doing it, but it all started on Youtube with independent creators. The Youtubers would go through their morning of make-up routine while telling a story, everything from what I did this summer, to questions and answers. But a more fun and creative way was when great story tellers started telling great scary stories. Here are some of the content creators that has some great scary GRWM videos.

vintage brown crt tv on parquet wood flooring

Top European Horror TV-Series

From the spooky alps to the cold Swedish forests, the European horror TV-series is slowly taking its space among the detectives and social realism drama series. Although the formula of a person coming back to a small village is massively prominent, it’s like the European TV community is coming back to its root, with Europe as a hella haunted and spooky continent. These are some of the more horror based TV shows (excluding the UK) that has come out from Europe.


Minxiong Ghost Mansion

Minxiong haunted house, otherwise known as the Liu Mansion is located In the Taiwanese countryside and the old baroque mansion left abandoned and decayed by weather and time. And after being abandoned by the owners, rumours of ghosts started to be told and the mansion is one of the well known haunted places around.